Rope Access Painting

Abseil Painting Specialists in Melbourne

Painting a building seems like a simple task, but it requires a lot of care and attention in order to be done right. After all, no one wants their building to be painted in a patchy fashion, leaving splotches of unpainted, messy-looking walls. This isn’t very problematic in the case of lower buildings, but taller structures require a more dedicated approach. After all, higher elevations are much harder to reach, and doing high rise painting in a safe manner is a greater undertaking than you might think.

But it’s not a problem if you let Sky Access handle that for you!


Thanks to the great experience of our rope access professionals, we start and finish our projects on time.


We have built long lasting relationships with many private and commercial clients.

High Quality

Our technicians use no additional scaffolding in their work, therefore you can expect a high quality, reliable and safe service.


Our service is pocket-friendly, letting you save the money you’d otherwise spend on expensive scaffolding or elevated platform machinery.

Complete high rise
painting projects

Whether you’re looking for high end domestic or commercial painting service, several blocks redecorated or a specialist difficult access project’ Sky Access will provide a suitable solution. Our abseiling painters and decorators specialise in difficult access projects without the big price tag of traditional means like scaffolding or elevated work platforms. Providing a tailored & professional service to suit your budget and preference is our main objective.

Graffiti removal

Melbourne celebrates grafitti as art! It brings life to neighbourhoods and can transform spaces into more welcoming and inviting areas.

Sadly, graffiti also comes in the form of vandalism, which can be a nightmare for body corporates, commercial and private businesses.

No building can truly be considered safe from vandalism – even at greater heights, people will find ways to deface a structure.

If graffiti is causing your business harm or driving away potential clients and business partners, reach out to us immediately. With Sky Access, you can consider it gone and the walls of your building completely clean.

Project Gallery

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Award Win

IRATA certificate

Thanks to our IRATA certificate we’re extremely qualified to work at any height. While you could always employ a scaffolding company, there can be no denying that they can’t offer the level of freedom and security that rope access technicians can otherwise utilize. Thanks to being equipped with only a set of ropes and a limited number of tools, the rope access specialists at Sky Access have limitless freedom to use the expert skills that help them provide you with the best building repair service in Melbourne. Give us a call and let us take care of your property.

Unique Technology


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Window Cleaning

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Anchor Points

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we offer the best